How is it possible to thrive through divorce?
What does it mean to thrive? bloom, to blossom, to boom, to develop, to flourish, to grow, to prosper, to succeed, to shine.
How is it possible to thrive through divorce? A time in your life that feels so challenging, so overwhelming, so paralyzing and heartbreaking.
I always find it helpful to take a realistic look at where I am right now and then create a vision of where I want to be one year from now, ten years from now or twenty years from now.
I ask you to consider these areas in your life; 1. Your family and household 2. Your children 3. Your finances 4. Your community and civic engagement 5. Your physical and mental health and 6. Your friends
On a scale from 0-10 how are you feeling right now in each of these areas?
With your eyes wide open about where you are right now you will know where you stand and then you will be able to make small changes each day to move towards the vision that you have for your future.
For each area of your life ask yourself: What's important about this? What resources might I need? Who do I need to help me out? Where can I find the information? How can I be at my best while transitioning through each of these areas in my life and what am I missing? How do I want each of these areas of my life to look in my future? How do each of these areas look right now? What am I afraid of? What is holding me back?
There is great clarity that comes from being real with your life right now and clear about the vision you have for your future. This clarity will make room for you to create a plan, change, recreate, and live your life with confidence, joy & love.
This is your life, this is your family. This is your unique journey through divorce and only you know what is best for you and your family.
In order to make the best decisions right now, in order to be your best self even when there is chaos and sadness and confusion, you must be clear on who

you are right now and who you want to be in your future. How do you want your family to be? How do you want your children to be? Who do you want to be?
And you need to be flexible. Be open to re-evaluating. Be willing to create a new vision. Be willing to learn and grow and be open to new possibilities.
You can move forward when you have an understanding of your current reality and a clear vision of the future you want. Give yourself time to identify your fears, consider any obstacles, create a plan, find the resources and people that
can help you, and be ‘really really real’ about your life right now. Then give yourself time to focus on your vision and decide to just keep on moving forward because you know that you deserve a great life.
You can transition through divorce with grace, love and clarity. One small step at a time towards the vision of your future that only you can create.
In three months, you could go back and do this exercise again. It will help you to see where you were and where you are now. If you have been doing the work, you will see growth in many areas of your life, and this will probably feel good as well as give you hope and confidence to know you are on the right path.
Transitioning through divorce is hard for so many reasons. It affects your heart, it hurts, it's emotional and it’s scary. Knowing where you are right now and knowing where you want to go will help you with the clarity that you need to make the best choices now.
One relationship does not define who you are. You can choose to create the life that you have always deserved.
Love, Wendy ♥
Ps. If you are considering divorce or if you are ready to transition through divorce with grace, love and clarity, schedule a call with me to apply for a spot as a private client.