Change your life by understanding how thoughts shape experiences. Grab a pen and paper, and join me as I explain how the Create Your Life practices will transform your divorce journey and create a happier life. Learning to embrace cognitive re-framing practices can offer remarkable benefits. Challenge the negativity that pesters you regularly, to gain clarity, and boost your emotional toughness. Writing promotes self-reflection, and this clarity can aid in problem-solving and help you achieve emotional stability and strength. These practices take an intentional mindset shift but will teach you how to channel positive actions into more purposeful living.
Our thoughts create our lives and our experiences. If you don't like what's happening in your life right now, you can change that. I have put together a “Create Your Life” model for you to work through to help you understand where you're reacting to your life rather than creating in your life, the importance of your thoughts, how they are creating your life, and how you can change them.

1: Write Your Story:
You can't do this work in your mind. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and start with what is your story right now about the problem that you experienced.
Write down your experience: Here you need to work on one experience at a time. Write one fact about your experience that you are having with this problem in your life.
Write down your thought: When you think about this problem, what is the thought that runs through your mind? One thought there may be many, but we work through it one step at a time. So one thought at a time.
Write down your emotion: What emotion are you feeling when you have this thought about your experience? This is how you are now reacting to your experience.
2: Create Your Life:
Create your new intention: So what is your new intention that you would like to create in your life? What is the elevated emotion that you feel when you think about this new intention? And what is the new action that you're going to take? What is the new experience that you are having? While you're feeling this way, what is the new experience that you're creating in your life?
What is your new story: So this is the process that you can walk through with every negative thought that you have or every problem that you're experiencing in your life right now.
I hope this has been helpful for you today. It's been fun for me to put this model together. I love working through it with clients. I love working through it on my own and I hope it's helped. Know that you are perfect, you are loved and you are important.